QuickHorse Online User's Guide
Select_Pace_Rating/Jockey_Method Select_Pace_Class_Jockey_Method
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Select Pace Method After the user selects this feature, QuickHorse will use its "Pace Method" to display the anticipated results of the Race Card Selected. Race Cards (Race Programs) are chosen using the FILE Menu Bar item of QuickHorse. A sample display of the Pace Method is shown below, and the method's calculations are also explained below. This User's Guide section only discusses the calculations used in this method. For information about how to interact with the settings and other navigation please click on the "Select_Standard_Method" feature on the menu at the left side of this page. Figure 1 - The Pace Method Handicapping Display Before going further with an explanation of what each column of this method represents, the user may notice that instead of one longer rectangular button surrounding the weighting factors, each weighting factor appears in an individual button along with a shorthand description of the column. The column names are: 1Fr, 2Fr, 3Fr, EP, SP, AP, FX, PctE Do not click on any of these Weighting Factor buttons at this time. You should learn about Custom Method Building or Supertune/Superhandicap before you use these buttons. Use of these buttons without an understanding of how they work, can result in changes to this method. Only redownloading QuickHorse will correct the method if you inadvertently change it. As for the calculations of each column, this method is quite simple. This method also requires that the user be familiar with the Brohamer
Pace Figures - 1Fr, 2Fr, 3Fr, EP, SP, AP, FX, Energy (PCT E) |
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