QuickHorse Online User's Guide




Race Data





QuickHorse with FREE DATA Competes with Free Software that uses Data You Pay For

Every QuickHorse Handicapping Method relies on either PAY DATA from Brisnet or QuickReckoning's own FREE QuickHorse Handicapping data.  

If you find that handicapping with QuickHorse's FREE Data is profitable, keep in mind that QuickHorse's subscription price of $90 per year works out to less than 25 cents a day, and includes FREE HANDICAPPING DATA  with up to 5 years of racing history, once again entirely FREE, on any of our covered tracks (most Brisnet Tracks are covered by QuickHorse).  

On the other hand, even though Brisnet provides many free software products, these products can not be used without purchasing Brisnet Data.  When you pay for data from Brisnet the least expensive race program, by itself, is $1 per track per day, and results files are another 25 cents per track per day.  So, if you only handicap 1 race track, you are already paying Brisnet 5 times the amount of money in order to use Brisnet's free software that you would need to subscribe to QuickHorse on a yearly basis.  We encourage you, therefore, to try our software free for 30 days, download our free historical data, and use our techniques and compare the cost of both approaches - Brisnet's "FREE Software and PAY DATA" versus QuickHorse's "PAY Software and FREE DATA".  

Our Free Data and Brisnet's Pay Data

There are differences between QuickHorse's FREE Data and Brisnet's Pay Data.  To better understand these differences we provide these web pages describing our data.

If you are using Brisnet PAY DATA, then information about what that data is or how it is calculated can be found on the Brisnet Web Site here -


QuickHorse can use Brisnet's Data but QuickHorse FREE data can only be used with QuickHorse.

QuickHorse's FREE Data Description

We have named all data using the same names we use for the Brisnet Pay Data so that you can find information on this data in the Library at Brisnet.  

However, it is important to note, so that there is no confusion regarding our Free Data, that although it is named the same as the Brisnet Data, for those items of data we calculate, our calculations are different, and therefore our data is different from that of the Brisnet Pay Data.  QuickReckoning, makers of QuickHorse software, can not emphasize this enough to the experienced PAY DATA user and Handicapper.  

As an example, consider one data item which is called "OUTING_BRISSR" which is described by QuickHorse as "Calculated Data - Bris Speed Rating (FC)".  If you are using PAY DATA, then the definition of this data item can be found on the Brisnet Library Web Site using the link above (Pay Data item is called BrisSR).  A Bris Speed Rating Calculation is unknown to our programmers here at QuickReckoning, and, therefore, we calculate our own Speed Ratings using our own ideas on statistics.  The bottom line is, you can choose our free data or Brisnet's data which you pay to use, but you should understand the differences and that is what this User's Guide Section attempts to explain.

Even though calculated data is different, much of the data is the same.  As examples of data which are the same consider:  the various position calls, and lengths beaten, along with fractional times.  These measured parameters have the same source for both Brisnet and QuickHorse - the track from which the race results are reported.

Regardless of which data you use, you may find some or all of our pre-programmed methods useful at the tracks you play.  We recommend always having a history of at least 100 races for a particular track and track profile (see Track Profiles).

Though QuickHorse can use Free Data or Pay Data in its handicapping methods, the only 2 ways for the user to actually look at this data and to use it in other programs you might have is through the EXPORT FEATURE, and by using the Custom Method Builder Feature.  Some of the data is also displayed when you select a horse and examine that horse's prior outings data (See Figure 2 on the Select Standard Method web page).

When exporting, building a method, or looking over a horse's recent races, these web pages should provide you information about the free data you are looking at, in so far as where it comes from or how it is calculated.  For ease of access we've broken the data down in 4 categories as these exist within the Custom Method Builder Feature:  Race, Animal, Outings and Tables.  You can access any of these by using the links in the top left of this web page.


Copyright © 2006-2020 QuickReckoning.Com
Last modified: September 13, 2019