QuickHorse Online User's Guide
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Edit Menu Bar The Edit Menu Bar item allows the user to edit two "global settings" within QuickHorse as well as the ability to change the way menus appear colorwise, and how large the QuickHorse window appears. Also, the user may make changes to his or her registration email address. Lastly, the user can EDIT the Trouble_Comments_File. Beginning with the Edit Menu Bar item, each item will have a Help file typically as the first selection on the drop down menu. These Help Commands will display a text file inside of a Notepad window and will contain information on how to use each item on that menu. Typically the Help will be enough for some users, but this user guide is designed to cover all the features in more depth. To learn more about each feature of this drop down menu, click on that feature on the Left Side of this web page. Figure 1 - Edit Drop Down Menu
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