QuickHorse Online User's Guide
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Custom Method Builder Custom Method Builder - Definition - the process of creating "Columns", and using those "Columns" to produce a Handicapping Method. A "Column" is one or more "steps" which involve using handicapping data along with calculations in order to produce a "score" for each horse in a race. A column may include 1 step, or up to 100 steps. After the user creates several "Columns", up to 8 of these "Columns" may then be used together to form a "Handicapping Method". This Method can then be Super-Handicapped, Backtested and Supertuned just like all other QuickHorse Methods. Figure 1 - Custom Method Builder Menu Bar Of the 5 Methods included with the QuickHorse Program, 4 of those methods were created using the Custom Method Builder feature. If you've already used any of the Pace Methods, you've been using a Custom Method. Custom Methods include up to 8 Columns of Calculations. To build a Custom Method you simply select Columns you've already built and arrange them on a Method. There are two steps to actually creating a Custom Method: 1 - Create 1 or more Columns (these are the actual programs you write using the Column Builder) and 2 - Create a Method by pointing and clicking those Columns onto a Method display. For this reason, this Menu Bar item contains, in addition to a "Help" feature, Column_Builder, Method_Builder, and two features to help you cleanup old Columns and Methods you no longer use - Delete_Column, and Delete_Method. To learn more about any of these features click the corresponding selection to the Left Top of this page. |
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